Solution Architect: Role & Responsibilities

You have more chances to impress investors if you know what product you’re making and what problem it’s going to solve. A solution architect will match product requirements with ways to implement them and explain everything in clear business terms. There are many different programming languages, frameworks, libraries, databases, architectural patterns, and standards. The responsibility of a solution architect is to pick the most suitable tools for a particular project.

Usually, it’s senior developers, team leads, and project managers who have skills required for a solution architect. They have the needed tech background, business expertise, and are excellent communicators. Basically, as soon as a software engineer starts thinking about business needs, they are on their way to becoming a solution architect.

Enterprise Architecture Frameworks: Documenting Your Roadmap to Change

However important the above-mentioned skills might be, they won’t help a solution architect to reach their goals unless (s)he can efficiently interact with other people involved in the project. Solutions architects collaborate with managers, developers, project teams, enterprise and software architects, and a slew of other stakeholders each with their own tasks, visions, preferences, and values. Consequently, solutions architects must be able to communicate the adopted policies to them and be ready to listen to the feedback, explain, and persuade. All software projects have to meet a number of non-functional requirements that describe the characteristics of the system. The solution architect’s role is to analyze all non-functional requirements and ensure that further product engineering will meet them. One of the most important challenges of software product development is meeting the stakeholders’ requirements.

  • The SA role and the role of the DL are very similar in the skill sets needed.
  • And yet, a technical architect may be responsible for infrastructure as well.
  • It helps in gathering the client’s requirements which also helps in getting a simplified vision to develop and deploy the desired results.
  • The process requires regular feedback, adjustments, and problem-solving in order to properly design and implement potential solutions.
  • Every project has a constraint that keeps varying from one type of project to the other.

Preparing for RPA means setting up best practices, which might vary depending on organizations. In this case, pushing the automation script to live is easy, but now its execution becomes dependent on the client using it. Some companies will expect two years of minimum experience in the IT industry with similar experience as an architect.

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Many SAs will have the tools to move into corporate or business planning, other senior IT positions, different architecture roles, or even a CTO. The average salary for a solutions architect can range between $91,000 to $172,000 annually, depending on the experience the candidate has. The average technical architecture salary in the United States is currently around $124,960.

roles and responsibilities of solution architect

Plus, solutions architects ought to constantly keep in mind the overall corporate strategy and goals the organization aims to achieve. And they should reconcile this vision with the technical side of the project. The starting point is generally being the only person on a very small, and sometimes insignificant project. The project may be small enough that a single person may fill every role – including the role of solution architect.

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As a result, enterprise solutions architects often broadly understand multiple business units and organizational functions. Securing the expertise of a solutions architect on your team, whether internally or through a development partner, guarantees a host of undeniable benefits. With their invaluable contributions, you can be confident in achieving optimal project outcomes. Their expertise permeates throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), spanning from gathering and understanding specifications to assessing existing systems and synergizing with stakeholders.

A Solution Architect is a professional who designs and manages the implementation of a specific solution or set of solutions within an organization. These solutions typically involve software or technology systems and are designed to solve specific problems or to improve specific processes within the company. The average pay scale for IT solutions architects varies widely and is influenced by numerous factors. For instance, a professional with the same qualifications in the US earn between $142K and $238K per year. Additionally, the remuneration is determined by the number of years of experience, technical proficiency, level of seniority, and soft skills. The cost for Solutions Architect is somewhat similar to hiring mobile app developers.

Solution architect’s certification

You can’t have a precise answer to this question that will give you an exact amount down to a penny. Because the hourly rate as a benchmark unit for calculation is conditioned by many factors, primarily by the location of the specialist. Being generally an extremely useful summand of success in any sector of the modern economy, solutions architects are must-haves in the following industries. Industry 4.0 which is propelling our world into the high-tech tomorrow, has brought forth a whole gamut of novel technologies and concepts.

Experienced and dedicated solutions architect clearly communicates their technological vision to their development team. The solution architect assists the team and leads the project through implementation. These are the five types of solutions architect roles every business owner must know. So first, it is essential to define the business requirements and then hire dedicated solutions architect accordingly. These architects work at the enterprise level, designing solutions aligning with the overall business strategies and goals.

Solution architect skillset and background

We have a detailed article describing the role of a software architect and the importance of this position to the company’s success. With autonomous vehicles and smart city technologies gathering momentum, solutions architects are to provide the digital control of physical devices utilized in this domain. A technical architect is an expert responsible for the nitty-gritty of the software building and deployment in each particular use case. Working in close cooperation with development crews, these guys are also charged with the support and maintenance of the solutions the creation of which they supervise. Most SAs have grown up in the software development world and have learned dozens of tools designed to help them be more productive. One of the ways to demonstrate an interest in the SA role, no matter what role you may currently be filling is to invest time in learning patterns.

roles and responsibilities of solution architect

So, being the one who knows the ultimate target, they guide the development process accordingly. Since we’ve discussed high-level goals of solution architecture adoption, let’s break them down into specific responsibilities and underlying skillsets. Solution architecture is the practice of designing, describing, and managing solution engineering to match it with specific business problems.

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He must examine the limitations of the project in order to optimize possible alternatives and reduce risks. In general, the solution architect is the link between the technical team and the project manager. It ensures the speed and accuracy of information transfer, as well as controls key development processes. Solutions Architects roles and responsibilities of solution architect identify, develop, and improve technical solutions to support business goals. They ensure Information Technology and business operations are aligned when developing and implementing technical solutions. This requires continuous adjustments, feedback, and problem-solving to ensure proper design and implementation of solutions.